
An ever expanding collection of predesigned ceremonial tattoos

by Ceremonial Artist Daniela Huber

Rising Up – This design unites the old and the new, what is below the surface with what is above. it represents the calm and still waters, while being carried by the Sandwater Children symbol for “Lighting Candles”. The open triangle shows an openness to change, while the three dots represent lucky stars and the light that appears, when we really light the candles.
Breathe – This design stands for the powerful plant that grows within us when we truly breathe. It holds a circle at the corse, affirming flexibility and firmness at the same time, while appreaciating rectangular angles and flow. This tattoo honors the four directions witch its grounded character and a very delicate insertion of “Breaking the Ladder” by the Sandwater Children, which stands for elevation and letting go the old.
Giving and Receiving – The Sandwater Children symbols for “Stealing Bread” and “Serving Tea” come together in this design which is about the balance in the dance of taking and giving. Claiming what is yours encounters heartfelt generosity, a table set with all the goods you can desire and would like to share.
Go For It – Go for what you really desire. This design begins with the Sandwater Children for “Finding a Voice” and continues to the formation of outstretched arms, welcoming a new life. “Making Wine” is the symbol that speaks about working for your goals and looking forward to celebrate. The outcome is a young plant with the spiritual message of a prayer flowing out of it. You can do anything you desire if you GO FOR IT.
Breaking Free – The Sandwater Children symbol for “Burning Buildings” is at the core of this design. It speaks about freedom from within, from burning your blockages of misunderstood safety while expanding your view into all directions. The lines speak about dancing with the wind to dissolve barriers, and the firm core stands for being rooted and at home in yourself.
Safe Space – This design is a house on a rock by the water. It holds the Sandwater Children symbol for “Finding a Voice”, because only when you have your means of expression can you truly hold yourself. It carries the element of earth and two allies guiding you on both sides, held safe by the triangles.
Victory – The symbol “Seducing the Enemy” tells the story about moving away from fight or flight into a love language that fits you and lets you conquer the world. You dive into your superpowers and break through the glass ceiling between now and then, this world and the other. You hold your loved ones close to your heart and while you know that what you thought was an enemy, becomes your ally.

A Shamanic Path – This complex design holds four symbols to accentuate the shaman’s path: “Building Trails”, “Watching the Wind”, “Being Blindfolded” and “Drawing Lines” come together in a statue like design, creating a path, a vision, a connection and boundaries. All elements and directions come together along with the Sandwater Children symbols to create a mark that empowers you to follow your very own path to healing.
Love and Balance (masculine) – (This design has a counterpart which is still in production) The face of the owl sits at the bottom of this design, carrying the Sandwater Children symbol for “Falling in Love” while opening the channel to Father Sky. Prayers rise up while prayers rest firmly in the ground, connecting the masculine and the feminine through the power of falling in love.
Your Personal Power – The Sandwater Children symbols for “Dancing off the Dust” and “Challenging a Stranger” come together to support you in your own personal power. Your power can sail with the wind, ride the waves and reach the islands of your dreams. Firmness, calm and confidence rest in these lines to support you on your very own personal journey.