are you ready to live your vision & Take your place as a healer & leader in this world?

Take a deep breath. Everything is going to be alright.

i’m daniela

I am a shaman and mentor for leaders who choose to remember their hearts and souls.

With powerful shamanic tools and reality-shifting perspectives, I guide you back to your personal myth: Your unique soul path to purpose, power and peace.

You deserve to thrive, be free and serve the world from the truth of your beautiful heart.

we were never meant to be the screws in a soulless Machine.

As our world rapidly shifts and changes shape, our capacity to remember our innate truth changes as well. It’s now much more possible to find inner and outer peace than ever before.

Maybe you’re not the problem. Maybe you’re the solution.

ways to WORK WITH ME:

  • Healing sessions

    Clearing of blockages & karmic imprints, wholesome retrieval of power, soul and individual myth. This is a nobullshit session with powerful energy work and cultural integration of the narrative.

  • 1:1 Mentoring

    Change your life by finding your individual myth, purpose and superpower. Learn schmananic skills and claim your majesty! This journey will redefine your leadership as King or Queen at heart through simple shamanic work.

  • Events & Courses

    Shamanic workshops for corporations & hotels, womens's circles on mythological topics like the oracle and the queen. Fire ceremonies to retrieve power and honour ancestors.

“The sessions with Daniela are truly transformative, and I feel a profound sense of peace and gratitude afterwards. Her guidance creates a safe and nurturing space for me to heal and integrate life experiences. I’m so grateful for the insights gained and the greater understanding about life that now unfolds!”

- Domenico (Investment advisor)

What clients say:

“I have been receiving mentoring from Daniela for four months now, and my life transformed into an adventure journey and a treasure hunt. The chronic anxiety that I used to have disappeared and made room for an empowered masculinity which is able to both achieve goals and hold up boundaries.”

- Matthias (head family therapist)

“WOW, WOW, WOW! A whole new world opens up when you work with Daniela. Her profound understanding of the mythical and shamanic way of life hold an ancient key to open all the doors that seemed closed to me. I have entered realms of being and states of consciousness that empower me beyond anything that I have ever experienced before.”

- Claudia (real estate broker)

“I’m deeply impressed by what I have learned within one month only of working with Daniela. I came to her with regards to a creativity block, and in a really short amount of time, I was able to reconnect with the infinite well of creation within me, find new direction and purpose as well as feel at home within myself again. Also, her healing sessions feel like being in a Science Fiction movie at times, which is absolutely fantastic.

- Mirjam (artist)

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