conspiracies as the death drug of our healers
Since the pandemic, conspiracy theories are experiencing an all around high in spiritual communities. It all began with questioning the media: have we really been to the moon? Did the World Trade Centers really collapse because of airplanes highjacked by terrorists or are the governments just fooling us to have our approvement to go to war in third world countries? And then it went on into Deep State revelations about cannibalism painting a view of the world that is not only flat out traumatising, but also paralysing.
We don’t have to have a degree in history to be aware that governments have more often fooled the people than not. Family dynamics are a perfect mirror for this. In which family do the grandchildren actually hear the truth about the loves, choices and assets of their grandparents? Even without any intentional manipulation, transparency has not been one of our greatest virtues as humans in the last decades and epoques.
I for myself find it highly amusing that some people seem to think if they read four different newspapers a day, they have an accurate idea of what is going on in the world.
Even if the media were completely reliable and neutral, there are so many layers to reality that it’s impossible for us to have a glimpse of a grasp of what’s really going on. That is something that we all have to accept. We will never really understand or know this world or life. It all depends who you speak to, and then it also depends if you understand the language of that person or if your language even has the words to translate their words.
We are not only living in different places, societal statuses, lineages, lands, mythologies and habitats, we are also shaped by the stories that were told to us - by ancestors, media and governments.
All of us have been told to keep their mouth shut and be afraid. By the church, the schools, the military, the bosses and simply the ones who tell the stories. In fear that something might happen to our children, we did the same to them: Don’t act up. Obey the teacher. Make good grades, so you can fit into university and make a living where you don’t have to worry about your existence. It was mostly meant well, but it was based in fear and fueled more fear.
Which do you think is worse: To have terrorists kidnap your people and fly in your buildings in suicidal apocalypse scenarios or to have your government lie to you about it? It’s all the same narrative.
When the rebellious came, the feminists, the hippies, the New Age people and nowadays the spiritual communities, they started to expose the truth about Big Pharma, polluted drinking water, spaceships and the war industry. Before the 60ies the monster seemed to be the hysterical woman, the witch and the occult, now it’s Deep State, Hollywood and 5G.
And here something incredibly dangerous happens: Once again we feel powerless amidst the evil that was done to us.
Powerlessness is one of our greatest collective shadows and it’s also one of our biggest excuses. “I can’t heal my ancestoral trauma” or “ancestoral trauma doesn’t exist” is just as bullshit as “I can’t pay taxes because then my money is used to bomb people” or “I can’t go anywhere because I don’t want a biometric passport”. And that’s where some of our greatest most powerful healers get lost: In the illusion that they’re meant to find out why we’re all fucked, instead of stepping into the reality that we all desire.
The consumption of conspiracies in the internet feeds into the same tragic loop that a drug addict finds herself in: We ingest something that makes us feel paralysed and then, because we already feel paralysed, we need more of that drug to not feel the pain of paralysation.
Our subconscious craves more conspiracies, wanting more proof that we are being lied to so we can’t see that we’re really lying to ourselves. We can’t use phones, so we become unreliable, we can’t eat commercial food, so we can’t go anywhere, we can’t pay taxes, so we don’t make any money. We can’t talk to people who have a different perspective, so we become isolated. We can’t trust the media, so we consume other conspiracy theorists who feel paralyzed as well. We can’t send our children to school, so we isolate them in the households of overwhelmed parents who live in fear.
Conspiracies have become a drug that we manifested and feed ourselves while the shadow government watches how we let our best people be devoured by it.
I’ve seen some of our most gifted amazing people fall into this addiction. Eventually it’s not just them who suffer, but also their families and communities who lost what they could have received.
Don’t get me wrong, the system IS bullshit. And yes, we have all been lied to. But we are not paralysed. We are are not powerless. We can, at any point, change our reality, step by step.
It all begins by holding ourselves accountable for our own choices. We are all here now. In one way or another, we chose to live in these times. We can choose to consume disempowering news or not. We can choose to go outside and find love or not. We can trust our bodies that they can transform unfiltered water into life force and we can even trust them to heal from trauma.
We can trust each other, because we know that our hearts are still the epicentres of peace - and aside of the reptilians, we all have one. Ha!
We can choose a path. We can choose to enjoy this path. And we can make the most empowering choice of all and say: It will be good. It is good. Regardless of what happened and is still happening, I am not a victim. Not only am I not a victim, I am a hero or heroine, a responsible adult showing up for my biggest, most amazing destiny regardless of the circumstances that I find myself in. For me, my children, my friends’ children and everyone who isn’t even born yet.